Friday, November 7, 2008

Is Obama the Anti-Christ or just BO?

I have been doing some research on the internet to see if it is true that Obama might be the Anti-Christ. Here are 5 disturbing facts that I have found that back this theory -
  1. The Mayan Calender ends on Dec. 21, 2012. This will also be the end of Obama's first term, and possibly the end of the WORLD...
  2. The Illinois Evening Pick 3 Lotto numbers were 6-6-6 the day after Obama was elected as President...
  3. Barack (barak) means lightning in Hebrew. Anyone else see the connection???
  4. Obama is married to a Succubus...
  5. The word Chicago means "skunk" to the native people of the area, and Obama's initials are BO...

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